Moss circle style Varius

  • Sustainable choice 100% natural, 0% maintenance.


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€1.714,00incl. VAT
€1.416,53excl. VAT


Moss variant Varius consists of a striking mix of bright colours. This moss style uses reindeer moss and bulb moss. This moss style has fewer height differences because no flat moss is used in the moss artwork. This moss mix looks great in darker rooms as it creates a fresh and energetic look.

If you choose 3 moss circles, we ensure that the pattern is mutually coordinated and matches perfectly.

Optionally, we can incorporate a clock with black hands in the moss circle. This is only possible for circles with a diameter of 60, 80, 100 cm. The clock has a diameter of 42 cm. The clock comes with a battery. If you order 3 moss circles and the clock, we will process the clock in the moss circle with a diameter of 60 cm.

A round moss artwork breaks up a tight interior. Did you know that our round moss circles with steel edging look great in an industrial interior? The soft, natural look of the moss beautifully complements the often 'hard' materials used, such as concrete, steel and glass.

The moss circles create a unique green atmosphere, which is perfect for use in (living) kitchens/reception areas/office spaces or above the sofa at home.


Properties of moss circles

The moss used is a 100% natural product and requires 0% maintenance. Among its properties and advantages are: high acoustic damping, fire-retardant (impregnated), very colourfast, no daylight, dirt-repellent (antistatic) and because the moss is no longer alive, it does not require any maintenance such as watering, pruning or fertilising. The moss creations are beautiful and soft to touch and have great appeal. Our mosses are of the highest quality, ensuring a very long lifespan (10-20 years).

A moss circle with a diameter of 1.00 cm has a weight of +/- 20-25 KG (including steel frame). We can also incorporate an optional acoustic plate (AkMOStico) in the moss circle for optimal sound absorption. This provides 15% more sound absorption!


Edge finishing of the moss circle

Finishing 1: Edge not finished. The end side of the lower panel is black. We neatly round off the edge of the moss to the edge of the bottom panel.

Finishing 2: Edge finished with a raised steel edge. The steel edge is coated with a high-quality powder coating in MAT black RAL 9005 (industrial black).

The moss circles are handmade to order in Asten (NL) with the utmost care.

You have the option of ordering the moss circles:
1: Collection at address Florapark 14 in Asten
2: Have it delivered

We also offer the possibility to have the moss circle hung by our assembly team. Should this be desirable please indicate this when checking out. We will then contact you, you will also receive an additional price for this.

The image shows the pattern of a moss circle diameter 1.00. As it is a natural product, each moss artwork is unique. Therefore the format of the purchased moss circle may differ from the selected photo. Should you require a different size? Please contact us at [email protected].

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  • Assembly service
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Djinni Aarts Mos specialiste


Maintenance-free: The moss is no longer alive. Therefore, it no longer needs water, nutrients, or daylight.
Insect-repellent: The natural salts prevent insects from crawling in
High tactile quality: Moss feels naturally soft and elastic
Dirt-repellent: Antistatic, does not attract dust
Lifespan: Highest moss quality, very colorfast, 10-20 years
Durability: 100% eco-friendly, obtained under state supervision, environmentally friendly processing
Fire-retardant: Due to natural salts, fire classification: B – s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1:2018
Weight: 15-20 kg per m²
Option steel edge: Depth 7 cm
AkMOStico option: 15% higher sound absorption according to certificate NEN-EN-ISO 11654
Clock option: The clock has black hands and a diameter of 41 cm, including battery


We hebben laatst 3 verschillende groottes moscirkels in stijl Varius besteld. In 1 cirkel hebben we klok laten verwerken. Het resultaat is super, snel geleverd. We krijgen er veel complimenten over. Bedankt!

Jos kanters

Moss circle style Varius
Moss circle style Varius
